But I say, "I like Autumn!"
(Anyone know that song? Show? Name it! Never mind... you'll never get it! Jeff, of course I know you'll get it. At least you better!)
So, it's completely and totally Autumn here. Don't believe me? Check this out:

I took out the camera this morning because our trees are real purty now, and after it finishes raining today, it's doubtful that they will look as loverly. Rain has a tendency to hurry up the leaf-falling process.
Did you notice the little baby tree we planted a few weeks ago? It's a Pin Oak. We also planted a yellow maple, and two teeny tiny flowering pear trees. Why, you might ask? That's because the yellow and red trees in the above picture are
ash trees and they are probably going to perish sometime in the future due to the evil
Emerald Ash Borer and gosh darn it, I like to plan ahead. I don't want to have dead trees and THEN plant baby trees. I want to have juvenile trees when our trees die. And if they DON'T die, then we'll just be all tree happy here in our little ole' piece of suburbia.

Here's yet another Ash tree... this one is in the front of our house. Why didn't they use a more diverse landscaping option? I don't know. Probably has something to do with the fact that Ash Trees grow fast. They're hardy. And they're all going to die. Waaaaaahhhh.
Enough of that. Seriously, I'm done.
Some things heard around our house last week:
"Mom, why are we having "old rotten" potatoes?" -- Hunter (Can you guess what we were really having?)
"Mom, Colton told me to go away! Was that nice? I think not!" -- Skylar
"All this walking is making my legs fall off!" - Skylar
"Is it the weekend yet?" - Avery (On Monday)
"I didn't mean to hit him. I just was holding the stick!" - Colton
"Dahdee go?" Kaia (Numerous times, every blasted day)
So things just continue to move along here. The kids are off school today for inservice or Columbus day or some such reason. Since it is, in fact, raining, we're getting some chores done and playing quite a bit of Wii. Highly recommend Mario Cart. It's a good time.