We started the celebration a couple of days early, with a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese. Actually, Jeff and Papaw were working on the sewer line in the basement on the Friday before her birthday (see previous post!) so, since we couldn't use any water in the house, it seemed like a good thing to leave. We weren't actually going to "celebrate" at Chucks, but when they asked if anyone was celebrating a birthday, we thought "why not?" so Skylar got a crown, some extra tokens, and felt pretty darn special!
On her actual birthday, we filled up the waterslide, kiddie pool and I spent a lot of the day in the kitchen... because she wanted spaghetti and meatballs, French bread, homemade icecream, and cream-filled cupcakes. Multiply that into the amounts needed for the 20 people that were sharing in her birthday meal... and you have a lot of food! :) I do love cooking for a crowd, though, so this isn't a "poor me" post. Is it? Anyway, back to the birthday!
She had some pretty specific ideas about what she wanted. In addition to her specific meal, she wanted a "King-yata" (which we figured out was a Pinata)
....and she wanted just about every toy that was advertised in the preceding week to her big day. Although a lot of the fun in birthdays is thinking about the possibilities, we made a lot of attempts to keep her straight on the idea of a "FEW" presents. Pretty consistently, though, she wanted dresses, makeup, jewelry.... you know, *girly* stuff. And those wishes came true. As did her very own "project box"... and a cute pink kitty-cat sleeping bag that she's slept in every night since her birthday.
We're starting to think that this may be the only way this child will have hair:
I'm not sure I'm cataloging this appropriately, but she really had a great day. There were a couple of kinda funny "diva" moments, where she was reminding everyone that she gets to do what she wants because is was *her* birthday. Strangely, I didn't notice that she was wearing her swimsuit in every picture during her actual birthday, but she sure is! Actually, that's not true. She's wearing *Avery's* swimsuit in every picture. Not sure why, because she has a very cute one of her own (to prove this, as a closer, here she is last Monday on her first day of swimming lessons):
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