Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hannah Montana.... Five ways....

I have a confession. I really can't get enough of that silly Hannah Montana wig. It's hilarious! Seeing all that hair on Skylar's head is fuhhhhhneeeee. It's like I gave myself a little present when I gave her that wig!! If you're really paying attention, you'll see that we're getting our Disney Channel shows all mixed up. Hannah Montana wig, High School Musical 2 Jammies. We're a zany family like that.

Ooooh. Look at this little beauty!

There's just something about a baby with a wig on that gets me every time!

And you all know Hunter. He's always ready for a laugh... doesn't care if he's laughing, or if you're laughing at him. It's all good.

I even got Colton in on the fun, with much cajoling
and promises I don't intend to keep! Well, not really about the promises... because I think that's mean. But I did sorta have to beg. Which is demeaning, as a parent, but worth it when you have a picture like this to last the ages. He really should comb that hair, shouldn't he? It's a mess.

Did you all know that Avery lost another tooth? Doesn't the lovely hair highlight the space in her mouth even more? I think so.

We're really busy this week with Vacation Bible School. We're learning all kinds of great songs, making many messy crafts and generally having a blast. Kaia is even surviving the nursery while I help out. Hopefully, I have time to post about that before Jeff and I leave for our CHILDLESS (did I say that too loud?) weekend in Chicago for our friends' wedding. If not, I'll have a lot to catch up on when we get back!

Oh, what the heck. Let's make this Hannah Montana... SIX ways.
So, as a finale to end all finales...
I give you Hannah DogTannah.
She's a supahstar!


Brandy said...

Hey, Pam! I saw your blog link on our Sweet Peas board, and here I am. This post has me cracking up!!!! You guys are too funny!!

Brandy said...

I left you an award on my blog! These pics are still making me laugh!!!

Anonymous said...

tell colton and pidgeon nice hair